Weight: 14.03 (10-25%)
Height: 25.75 (50%)
Head: 16.25 (25%)
Weight: 15.15 (25%)
Height: 26.25 (50%)
Head: 17.00 (25%)
Here are a few pictures:
Daddy, Joey and Molly, watching TV!! We do this alot!!
Joey and Molly, swinging at Grandma and Grampy's house.
Molly and Joey went to the carnival to watch all their cousins ride the rides.
This was us watching the chicken chase or bull riding?? Not sure what night this was.
Molly, showing off her two front teeth!
Joey, showing us how can grab his feet!
This morning we all got into the swimming pool. It was nice a cool!
Joey liked it!
Molly LOVED it!