Friday, July 17, 2009

My Glucose Test Results, Progesterone Injections And Our 18 Week Anatomy Ultrasound

These past 2 weeks have been amazing and filled with so much good news!

I passed my glucose that is great! I am eating everything and anything I possibly can and loving it!

I had my first injection last Friday and it wasn't so bad. Didn't bother me until the next day. I got the injection in my right hip and that made my right hip and bottom pretty sore for about 3 days...but it healed just in time for me to get my second one today! But it's not bad...I can definitely handle them.


It's a BOY and a GIRL!

We were so happy to hear the ultrasound tech lady tell us the news. We couldn't stop smiling and just wanted out of there as soon as possible so we could tell our family the good news. But I'm happy we stayed...we got to see our babies hearts beating, their legs, arms, feet, hands and everything else. So far everything looks great! We could not have had a better day at the doctors office. :)

Now here are some pictures!

Here is a picture of Joey and his... Yup...It's a boy!

This is Joey's face

Here is the picture verifying our little girl is in fact a little Girl!

Here is Molly's profile picture

These are Molly's feet

I tried to put an equal amount of pictures of each of them on here...but my camera or computer is not cooperating. It thinks that some of them are there they are.

Official Names and Weight as of July 15th:
Joey Christopher (11 0z.) and Molly Beth (9 oz.)


  1. Congratulations on the wonderful news! I was so excited when your mom called to tell me and really thrilled to see the pictures. Cute names, too. Can't wait till they're here!

  2. What exciting news! I am sure you are enjoying those peanut butter M&M's now. Love the names. Looks like Billy will get a Skip after all.

  3. How fun! You will get the best of both worlds! I love Joey and Molly! That is great!
