Sunday, October 4, 2009

My Room Is Ready!

Not Going Crazy Anymore!

So this week-end has been great. Billy has been home most of the time helping me get things in order. Not sure if I've mentioned this or not...but the past few months I have NOT been thinking very clearly. Suzy actually brought it to my attention the other day after she washed some of the babies clothes and other items for me, that I will need a place to put all this stuff when the babies come home. For some reason...I was thinking I was going to get everything washed...but then keep them in the gift bags so it is all together when we move to our new house. Once we get there I was planning on getting it all out and organizing it. But wait...the babies are coming here our house in town. OMG! I was like, I need to get all their stuff organized now. And when I thought now, I meant...NOW! So all last week I was in a panic and this week-end I got it all done! Billy and I organized everything. We cleaned out the spare bedroom and cleaned out the babies dresser and night stand that I've had forever...they were filled with all kinds of crap and tons of clothes. Luckily my aunt Jill is having a garage sale next all the stuff that I need to get rid of...she is coming to get from me this week. Then I sorted out all of the stuff that doesn't belong to me and now I have a clean room. SO EXCITED! I can't beleive I got it all done. Well almost. I have about 2 or 3 more loads of baby stuff to wash and then I'll be ready for my babies. The last thing I needed to put together for everything to be complete was the changing table. So I asked Billy to get the changing table out of our storage unit. I thought it would be nice to set it up and get it organized as well. But as soon as he pulled the box out...I saw on the side of the box..."Kiddie Table and Two Chairs". I was like, "No! That's not a changing table"...Babies R' Us gave me something else. So I had Billy open the box to make sure it wasn't what I paid for and sure enough it was a table and chairs. Mom said she would exchange it for us on Monday since she is going into Houston. Yea...after I get that set up...I will be ready.

(I started this yesterday and now I'm finishing it today. Just have to say that I tried to wash all the baby stuff yesterday, washer broke. Not really my washer...I have this plumbing problem that I won't go into detail about. But it happens about once every other year. Now I am going to call Tupa's Plumbing and I hope they can come out soon.)

Billy's Man Shower

Very Fortunately and sorta unfortunately Billy's Man Shower was success. The fortunate part is that we collected over 6200 diapers. That is wonderful and I can't wait to see how long that will last us. The unfortunate part is that Lance, Billy's brother, and Billy had a bet that if we collected over 5000 Billy would have to wear a Depends Men's Diaper for the remaining part of the shower and for a picture for the Leader News. Of course Billy had no problem doing this. If it were up to Billy he would walk around naked all the time. So sure enough he put on that Man Diaper around 2 o'clock and wore it all day. He shot skeet, rode a dirt bike, played craps, watched a football game and ate dinner in it and loved every minute. I heard he even used a few of them. If I can find a picture I'll post it. It was really funny to me just thinking about him doing all those activities in a diaper but seeing a picture made it a little bit more funny.

(I did find a picture but Billy has asked me not to post it on here. Huh? That was strange to me to hear...but I guess he did have good reason. He said that if I put it on a world wide might be harder for him to run for President of the United States of America later on. :) Hehehhee! Although I couldn't help myself...I did forward a text of the picture to a few lucky people (or UNLUCKY people), so to those of you who got it, enjoy!)

Here are a few pictures of our diapers in our storage unit.

This is what Eugene and Dennis got us. It is so we can hand wash all the cloth diapers they got us. They even put a wash board in there for us to use along with the rope and clothes pens to hang out the diapers to dry. Apparently they don't know me very well...that is WAY TOO much work. But it's the thought that counts I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you've been busy and need to rest this week. Very funny story about Billy in his man diaper! Gotta see those pics one day!
