Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Our 12 Week Appointment

Yesterday was our 12 week appointment. Yes Billy made it to this one. :)
We finally met our doctor along with lots of other people. My day started out like any other appointment day. My nerves got the best of me and I was sick all morning. But I was feeling a little better after eating at PF Changs.

We got to our first appointment at 1:00, that was with the genetics counselor, Jennifer Lemoine. She talked to us about a test we were going to do, a non-invasive way to find out about the babies having down syndrome or other problems. After talking to her I went to do my usual blood work and then the ultrasound. The ultrasound was amazing. We got to see them in 3D and they looked so cute. The baby on the left is now Baby A with a heart rate of 167. The baby on the right is Baby B with a heart rate of 161. They still aren't able to tell if there are 2 placentas or just one, but they're pretty sure it separates in the middle somewhere, making them fraternal twins. The ultrasound tech thinks Baby A is a girl and Baby B is a boy...but that is not definite...just her opinion. They looked like they were playing Peek-A-Boo at one time. Baby A had it's hands over it's eyes and facing Baby B. They faced each other most of the time during the ultrasound. So CUTE! The end result of the ultrasound...was that the babies looked healthy...no sign of down syndrome and there didn't appear to be any other problems. GOOD NEWS!

Baby B: Right

Baby A: Left

Next we went to meet with a nutritionist. She was really nice and wasn't too hard on me. Of course Billy couldn't wait for this part. He told her all the bad things I'm eating like: goldfish and peanut butter M&M's. She said that I could eat those things...as long as I eat them with a Fruit, Grain, Veggie, Meat/Beans and a Dairy. SO no problem...except I don't eat veggies or beans. The rest I can do. She did say that I am behind on my weight. Apparently I should have already gained about 12 lbs. and I've only gained 2 lbs. But now that I have something for my nausea and know exactly what to eat...I should start to put on the pounds. :) In the end she wants me to gain around 45 to 50 lbs. (CRAZY!)

After that I met with Dr. Moise. He is the MFM (maternal fetal medicine) doctor. He is basically the babies doctor. If we have any problems with the babies he is the one that does the surgeries. He does surgeries on babies while still in the tummy. Exciting to know that we have him around. He is also the twin expert. He will keep a close eye on us throughout the pregnancy and basically tells my OB-GYN what to do with us or give her his professional opinion. He is the one that told my doctor that we will be doing a cerclage at 13 weeks...even though she probably would have figured it out on her own. Which brings me to our last appointment...

We finally met with our OB-GYN at 4:00, Dr. Vyas. She is super nice and looks super young. Poor Billy got a little nervous I think...asked her if she would be the one delivering our babies and if she would be the one doing the cerclage...after she confirmed that she would be the one doing all those things...he proceeded to ask her if she's ever done one before. :) Poor Billy and poor Dr. Vyas...she said yes, of course, she has done lots of them. She assured us that she, along with the other 9 doctors in there group were all Attendings, not Residents. That made us feel more comfortable. So then we scheduled my cerclage for next Tuesday, June 9th. I got a little emotional after that...cried a little and then Billy called me a cry baby. So nice, right? Good to have his support. :)

1 comment:

  1. What a big day for you guys! How neat (and lucky) that you were able to schedule appointments with all the doctors in a row on the same day! Sounds like everyone has everything under control....even Billy! I'm so excited!!!!! What precious pictures. Can't wait to see and hear more!
